World in my eyes

A Chinese girl's magical life in the world,especially about her beloved homelands-China and Finland.

Spending most of my last Sunday with him on watching "The Guild". It turned out to be not that bad as I imagined.Maybe because it was not completely  World of Warcraft - game anymore. One thing led to another and another......Chaos in my head!

It is happening everyday,can't help it!

Started to be on the way of understand lots of things,phenomenons.......About Western and Asian world;About country K and western countries;about the meanings of life..........some old good things are still good ,some old bad things become actually really amazing facts;somethings are just not about good or bad,they are JUST DIFFERENT which is the hardest part for me dipping in!Cause there were always people telling me what was right what was wrong while I was growing up without asking my opinion.Even though i did had my own thoughts,nobody really cared.The governmental voice or older generations' decision and judgments or what other people thought were the facts really mattered!

But now I have "too much" freedom to think about everything,which was earlier culture shock after I came here.And people did care about what I thought,that "ridiculously" shocked me again. Then the next huge shock definitely comes to me right now!

Studying in a completely multi-culture school,seeing people who are from the whole world,hearing at least more than five languages in a day(even English I can easily get more than three accents), observation on  people from different continents.......

I finally totally know how little I grasped about this world even though I lived in a huge country!
I finally know there are immense lies that I deeply used to believe about in this world and in country K: I am laughing,but the laugh is bitter; I think I am supposed to cry,but what does it help?!So I dont want to.
I finally know there are so many things are not the same as I saw and I heard : I don't allow myself to lie,but definitely not everyone does same as me;
I finally know there are many things whether I should consider them right or wrong are mostly not only about things themselves,it is about which angle I am looking through,so I am learning hardly how to find multi-angles first before stupidly judging on all new things.

I enjoyed this so much when I just found the second angle after I started to gradually understand Finnish language, but at that moment,my Mr already "warns" me not to get too much pressure in the future if I learn more,cause he got surprised about my changing speed based on the share-chatting I gave him everyday.I didnt understand it back then.I think I catch his point now.Jumping among different angles: Pleasure chatting with friends;staying with weird people I need to understand; learning the skill of ignorer......Maybe too much or I just need time to get use to absorb....Anyway,I get started to feel tired, sometime just wanna stop thinking for a while,but cant 'log off" from the "endless thinking page" at all.

Again, i was going to send him off.He was going back to army. He started military service since the 1st of Oct.It will last 9 months.
Seeing him changing all the clothes,I suddenly asked"Could you change into another type of the service,just work in an office,and come back home everyday?"
"No"typical Finnish style answer ,no extra word.
"Why Finland forces every man to do military service,and why did you choose the harder one?"I didnt want to give up.
"At least i can still hold the gun and shot the enemies when there is a war again"
At that moment,I knew:I was wrong again.
I thought there was no patriotic education in Finland,well,comparing to how much people do in schools in country K;
I thought Finnish didnt love their country as much as country K people do,cause as long as foreigners said  that T didnt belong to country K, K people jumped around, shout and even wanted to beat them to protect their country , and meanwhile  I have never heart " I love my country" from my man,during three years of being together,not even once;
Sometime i didnt even think Finnish like their country,cause when he and his friends got together and talked about Finland,they criticized  LOTS of problems about their country always,so i thought Finnish were too spoiled,they didnt know how good their country was,there were much much worse places in the world.
But,watching him putting uniform on,got on the army shuttle bus,and the bus gradualy disappeared in the darkness,I knew I judged too earlier and wrong again. Because I forgot one of the most important features about them:Finnish always want to save words as much as they can DO things while they keep silent!

Ok, I have heart too much from my friends about this topic : "Racism in Finland about Chinese".Based on this a bunch of similar problems stand in front of Chinese and become one of the reasons stops them coming to Finland when they really wanna come or turn into be one of main reasons for those people who are already living in Finland not to be happy with a lot of complains in everyday life.

Being as a Chinese, i admit, there are racism in Finland,and I am quite sure,there are a lot of finnish have this kind of thinking in their minds.But WHERE ISN'T?Chatting with all my friends who are from USA, UK, Astralia, Holland, Brazile, Sylbia, etc. One conclusion is extremly clear: "RACISM?! EVERYWHERE!"If Chinese think there is no racism in country K, that is completely wrong.Think about how local people in country K treat black people,much worse than Finns .Finland is acturally one of the best places for foreigners to live in. At least most of the Finns dont really show their racism out even though they might really hate some foreigners inside. Otherwise it would make themselves looked really bad.From my point of view,it means partly well-educated.There is a huge difference between saying out and keeping silent.

So if racism is everywhere, the only way to deal with it is to FACE it.Then how to face it?

First of all, look at ourselves always always first when we get some unhappy faces from Finns and think did we do anything improper?we have to admit that, country K is a developing country,from most areas in country K there are still far away from developed countries. No matter physically or spiritually. That is the fact, no need to blindly overprotect it.What we need to do is to find them out and try to fix them ASAP. It also works on personally behavior when we are in Finland.Why?Because we are in Finland! Do what locals do is also following an old saying in country K. And it is also necessary to think about the reasons behind locals' behavior,since it is easier for us to understand what we are really following to.

Secondly.After we try our best to respect, understand, follow what locals do. Then racism, forget about it. There are this kind of people,they only think Finland is best place in the world;there are this kind of people who just happen to dislike Asian people; there are people who maybe just hate country K and people who are from there,which is partly understandable, not every person from country K behaves nicely abroad. Even I am in many situation shamed on what country K people do in public or what in their mind,then what we can expect other people think about us? Fall in love with us?!Funny. As a conclusion.Some Finns have thousands of reasons to dislike chinese,some of those are reasonable,some are stupid.For those reasonable reasons,as long as we get to know them--change ourselves;For those ridiculous reasons.Forget about them,cause they are none of our business anymore,don't put other people's faults on ourselves. There are much more reasonable Finns, go and have fun with them. Being with nice and reasonable friends,we can learn and change much more which means less and less Finns will have problems or racism with us.

Racism is bad and sad for sure,but that is life,plus not all unhappy things happening there is about racism.Even though racism is around us everyday,it still doesn't mean we need to take it.Try the best to improve ourselves is the only thing we can do.Other things,leave them to time and racist!

One of the cute things i enjoy in Finland is that i can always see squirrels, which is almost impossible happen in Beijing except maybe go to zoo.

While i was writing something on my chinese blog, my Mr walked close to me and asked:
"what are you doing?"
"Im writing something on my blog."
"What are you writing about?"
"Everything i wanna write there."
"Why dont you write it in english?"
...........Because1.....because2......because3.......Several reasons jumped in my mind.However, instead of explaining why i haven done it until now, I opened my blog here.
Yes! I will start to write my blog in english since NOW. I know, my english sucks. But,who cares!Well,maybe some reader will care in the future,but i dont. That is enough.Right?!:D

About Me

Na,everybody calls me by this name. I like it. It is simple,easy to prounouced and originally from my husband.He was the first person who called me Na.
Beijing,my home town.I had been living there for 22 years. But one day , a small chance took me here. I thought i would be here only for seven months to finish my abroad studying life. However one guy with attractive blue eyes stands in front me at the right time.
So today, Im living in Tampere,the third biggest city in Finland , and start to build a finnish-chinese family which is and is gonna be full of magics with my Mr Right:)

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